One thing that all dermatologists probably agree on is the importance of applying SPF to your body indoors and especially when going outside. Even a short walk to your local bread store or an hour spent in the shaded outdoor dining area of your favorite brunch place with your friends would be examples of when you'd apply some SPF infused lotion on. Especially the face and other smoother-skinned areas of your body!
According to one board-certified dermatologist Rachel Nazarian, MD who spoke to Well + Good, "the most important reason for wearing SPF is preventing skin cancer." You mean cancer as in that disease that can start anywhere in your body and start producing harmful cells that grows and spreads to other parts of your body, cancer? YES! That kind of cancer!
“'UVA rays can penetrate glass and windows and are responsible for the development of skin cancers and skin aging,'” Dr. Nazarian says. “'Applying sunscreen daily—even if you’re staying indoors—will help you avoid years of cumulative damage, and preserve the beautiful skin you have for longer.'”
Good to know, Dr. Nazarian! Seriously, good to know because with Summer already in full swing, it's important to think about all of that time spent outdoors where UVA rays are pretty much constant. So, if that reason alone (d-e-a-t-h, if you were too afraid to say it) doesn't make you think twice about applying loads of SPF on your skin, here's one more. It's an excuse to leave your desk and go out and shop for something!
Happy Summer! And happier shopping!