The Convenience Of Your At-Home Coffee Thanks To These Women

One great thing that came out of the horrible pandemic and even more tragic 2020 was the support for local, small businesses (#supportlocal and #supportsmallbusinesses). In 2021, we at Port and Polish think we can go one step further and #supportfemale-ledsmallbusinesses. And to start this list off on a Monday morning, we thought we’d look into female-led coffee roasting companies to help.
Not only is this company unique because it was founded by a Vietnamese-American woman named Debbie Wei Mullin, however, Copper Cow Coffee specializes in pour-over coffee. Yup, bougie!! But we likey. Here’s more about them according to their website:
Copper Cow Coffee is the brainchild of Vietnamese-American Debbie Wei Mullin. Our dedication to the environment, and the coffee that you consume on a daily basis (let’s be real) stems from a few things: namely Debbie’s love for Vietnamese coffee and culture, and her background in sustainability work.
Put that all together, and you’ve got us — quality-obsessed, eco-friendly, and proud to be part of the 2% (and growing) of women-owned companies with venture funding.
These days you’ll find us working tirelessly towards Debbie’s dream of making Vietnamese coffee a household product, all while sipping a healthy number of lattes in our cozy Los Angeles office.
A family endeavor, this company is owned by sisters Lisa and Melissa Gerben. What makes RAKO stand apart from the rest is their focus on sustainability. You know? Saving the environment and all. That’s pretty bada**. You go ladies! Here’s more about them according to their website:
RĀKO Coffee Roasters is a specialty coffee collective focused on sustainably sourced single origin coffees, environmentally friendly roasting practices, and advanced brewing methods. We are a collaborative community of coffee importers, roasters, artists, and baristas who all share the constant pursuit to create the best coffee possible. RĀKO Coffee Roasters operates a state-of-the-art specialty coffee roasting facility located in Northern Virginia and plans to open two cafes in the DC Area in 2020.
Founded by Southerner Candy Schibli, who is also a head roaster for the company, what makes Southeastern Roastery pop is their hand-selected roasts from all over the world including Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, and Sumatra. So you can feel a bit global and cosmopolitan as you take each sip!
Here’s more about them according to their website:
Southeastern Roastery, the coffee brand of Southeastern Roast and Brewery, started in 2016 with roots in Isle of Wight, Virginia and Washington D.C. Beautifully southern, it is committed to promoting the cultural exchange, open dialogue, and collective creativity that coffee communion has historically and internationally nurtured.
Southeastern Roastery unabashedly continues in this warm tradition by offering fresh, high quality, specialty coffees and sharing inspiring roasts in love.